Celebrating the joy of outdoor swimming.

Seal is for people who love swimming outdoors. People who love to connect with nature and connect with themselves. Who value the mental and physical benefits that come from swimming outdoors and want to have a load of fun while they’re at it. It’s a community thing; enjoying swimming with like-minded people, whether you knew them before or not. Getting to know their stories and creating new ones together. Laughing out loud or swimming in silence. We bring colour, personality and joy to a swim world that has historically been about speed, performance and competition. We are obsessed with keeping you warm and keeping you safe. We don’t care how fast or far you swim but we do want you to feel happy and confident when you’re doing it.

Ben Hovanessian

One of the most significant phenomena of the modern age is that we’ve started confusing comfort with happiness. We work hard and innovate tirelessly to make ourselves as comfortable as possible.
The problem is, we’ve become too good at it and while we’re living longer lives, the lives we’re living are not necessarily the best quality. In fact, despite life expectancy rising and have better access to more advanced medicine our general state of health is in decline.

For me, cold water swimming is an antedote to modern (comfortable) living. A way of connecting with nature at the same time as an attempt to reconnect with my natural self.